Pella Basketball Teams Compete to Collect Food Donations

Photo by Doug Diers

It was a rare competition between the Little and Lady Dutch last week, but the goal was to ensure everybody was a winner.

Both Pella basketball teams aimed to build a new tradition at the school when the athletes squared off to see who could collect the most food for those in need during the holidays.

After encouraging fans from all teams involved in their two home games, the athletes from the Lady and Little Dutch stuffed numerous large boxes full of items for the Pella Community Food Shelf.

Pella Girls Head Coach Jerod Garland tells KRLS Sports while they want to compete and be the best team they can on the floor — it’s what the players are doing for their community off the court that will have a long-lasting impact on their lives.

“That’s fun for them — those are the things remember as much as winning, is the opportunity to try and make an impact,” he says.

As for the competition, Pella Athletics Director declared the Lady Dutch the “winners,” after Elly Cairney, Grace Held, Courtney Thompson, and Faith Diers solicited donations and filled two shopping carts with food prior to Friday’s games against Norwalk. Both teams are back in action tomorrow at Newton, which can be heard live on 92.1 KRLS.

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