Pella First Responders Partner with Local Businesses for 2nd Annual Holiday Heroes Program

Children in Pella took a shopping trip with first responders for the holiday season.

Officers with the Pella Police Department and Firefighters from Pella Fire partnered with Schuring and Uitermarkt and Walmart for the second annual Holiday Heroes program Tuesday evening.

Pella Police Lieutenant Paul Haase tells KRLS News thirty children and their families received an extra hand with buying Christmas gifts. Kids partnered with first responders, and made purchases for their families and themselves to enjoy.

“It’s really great for the firefighters and police officers,” he says. “Sometimes, when we get to interact with kids or families, it’s not on a good day, so nights like tonight really make it what it’s all about — getting to interact with these kids and help them have a great Christmas.”

Firefighter Lance Van Zee says the night was rewarding by not only brightening the holidays for the kids, but every person involved with the effort.

“This is event is really amazing, so just seeing the generosity and outpouring not just only from the fire department, but local businesses and the police department, it’s just neat to see everyone come together for a great cause.”

Students were selected from the Pella and Pella Christian School Districts, and many of them shopped with siblings and parents. Employees from Schuring and Uitermarkt wrapped the gifts, Central College provided transportation, and several local businesses contributed to gift bags given to each family at the end of the night. All parties involved hope the event expands to more children next December. Those who would like to make a contribution to the effort can do so by stopping in the Pella Police Department.

Hear more from the second annual Holiday Heroes program on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.

The officers with the Pella PD would like to thank:
Pella Fire, Schuring and Uitermarkt, Walmart, Central Tire and Auto, Central College, Hy-Vee, Fareway, Applebees, Pella Family Dentistry, Pella Professional and Business Women’s Forum, Kiwanis, and Pella Rental.