Second Chris Street Memorial Basketball Tournament Hosted in Indianola Saturday

The second of three Chris Street Memorial Basketball Tournaments was held Saturday in Indianola, raising money for the Indianola Athletic Boosters.

Principal of Emerson Elementary and organizer Jon Fitzpatrick tells KNIA News the concession stands, cleanup, and other tasks are mainly performed by student volunteers from Indianola High School, who understand the importance of the athletic boosters.

“This isn’t just a basketball tournament so it’s not just the basketball athletes helping out. They understand that the new wrestling mat this year? Its from the athletic boosters. That new pitching machine? Came from the booster club. So we have everybody helping them out, and being able to show them what they’ve achieved with the help of the boosters it’s pretty easy to convince them to help out.”

Over 50 boys and girls teams participated ranging from 4th to 8th grade. Chris Street was an Indianola High School graduate who played basketball for the University of Iowa, and was killed in a car accident in 1993.