Knoxville to Become Sister City with Warrnambool, Australia

Like Knoxville, the city of Warrnambool in Australia is a hotbed of sprint car racing, and for years the two cities have had an informal relationship promoting business and tourism through their mutual interest in the sport.

This relationship is about to become official; on Monday night, the City Council will be asked to approve a resolution formally recognizing Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia as a sister city.

This agreement will have the two cities organize joint events, encourage more business and tourism and promote other cultural, education and community projects.

Also on the agenda is the appointment of Tricia Kincaid as the new City Clerk; she will be taking over the job full-time from Assistant City Manager Heather Ussery, who has been filling in for the last few weeks.

And Mayor Brian Hatch is scheduled to read a proclamation marking the 50th anniversary of Home Rule in the state of Iowa.

Tonight’s meeting begins at 6:15 p.m. and may be heard live on AM 1320/FM 94.3/FM 95.3 KNIA.